In addition to reliability, the staff received praise for their professionalism and customer-oriented approach. In open feedback, members emphasized the importance of fast and clear customer service: "It’s super easy to interact with you!"
Members also found the online service channel WebKassa user-friendly and the fund’s website up-to-date.
Summary of survey ratings:
Reliability of application processing | 4,7 |
Trustworthiness of staff | 4,7 |
Ease of electronic services | 4,6 |
Staff’s professionalism and expertise | 4,6 |
Website up-to-dateness | 4,6 |
Staff’s customer service orientation | 4,5 |
Keeping members updated (on benefits) | 4,3 |
Staff availability | 4,3 |
Speed of application processing | 4,3 |
The survey also explored members’ perceptions of the Unemployment Fund of Social and Healthcare Workers. Here too, trust in the fund was highlighted. The most frequently mentioned words were reliable, fast, secure, functional, professional, easy, and clear.
Development areas identified in the survey
Although the survey results were very positive, the fund also identified areas for improvement. The adequacy and accessibility of phone service hours (3,6) were areas where members desired enhancements. Feedback revealed that not everyone was aware of the phone service offered by the fund.
Based on the feedback, the fund has already implemented improvements, such as updating the contact information section on its website. The development work does not end here. The member satisfaction survey marks the beginning of broader development efforts at the fund. The survey results and members’ feedback will guide the funds work in the coming years.
The fund thanks its members for their valuable feedback
The survey was conducted in October 2024 in collaboration with the research company Onway Oy. A total of 630 members participated in the survey. We warmly thank everyone who took part. With your feedback, we will develop our services to better meet the needs of our members.