WebKassa is an on-line-service of the unemployment fund of Social and Healthcare workers

As a member of the fund you can easily handle att matters realted to applying for benefits through WebKassa. In WebKassa you can also view all benefits that have been paid to you.

You can login to WebKassa by using Suomi.fi indentification.

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Application process time

We are currently processing applications that have arrived to unemployment fund 20.3.2025.
Did you know?
Manual liftups

Submitting your tax card to the unemployment fund


The unemployment fund usually receives its members’ tax cards automatically from the Tax Administration. Use the WebKassa on-line-service to check that your tax card has arrived and that the withholding tax percentage is correct. If you wish to change your withholding tax percentage, you must obtain a revised tax card.

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Transition security


The aim of the transition security scheme is to support the employment of people aged 55 or over who have been made redundant.

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Mies seisoo kalliolla ja katsoo järvelle.

Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa

By joining Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa (the unemployment fund of Social and Healthcare workers) , you provide yourself with earnings-ralated unemployment security which is better than the basic security Kela pays. Joining an unemployment fund is like taking out an insurance againts unemployment.

Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa does a lot of co-operation with trade union Tehy ry, but is a fully independent entity. You can be a member of Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa even if you are not a member of any trade union.