Law changes from 1 April 2024 onward

The first of the unemployment security reductions planned by the Orpo government came into effect on January 1, 2024. The following reductions will take effect from April 1, 2024.

Payment of child increase ends completely from 1.4.2024 onward 

The amount of child increase decreased from 1.1.2024 onwards, when the temporary increase to child increases made in year 2023 ended, and no new index increase was made to child increases. As a result of the change in the law that will come into force on April 1, 2024, the unemployment insurance child increase will no longer be paid at all for days of unemployment on or after April 1, 2024.

Exempt amount for salary is remowed from 1.4.2024 onward

Parliament has approved the government's proposal to remove the exempt amount of salary income. Thanks to the exempt amount, it has been possible to earn a gross salary of 300 euros per month without the salary (or business income) having affected the daily allowance. Salary exceeding the exempt amount has reduced unemployment insurance by 50 cents per euro.

If the application period starts on 1.4.2024 or later, the exempt amount is no longer taken into account. This means that from 1.4.2024 onwards, each euro of paid salary decreases the unemployment allowance of that application period by 50 cents. Income affects the daily allowance for the application period during which the salary is paid - regardless of when the work was actually done. Read more about how salary affects the daily allowance.

All applications where the applicant has received salary (or business income), are processed at the fund in the order of arrival, regardless of the amount of salary income hte applicnat receives. The change will extend the processing times for applications with an income of less than 300 euros, because due to the removal of the exempt amount, the processing of these applications will now require all the same work steps as for other applications for mediated daily allowance. You can follow the processing time from the "application process time" bulletin on our website