Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa (the unemployment fund of social and healthcare workers) cooperates with the following trade unions:
- Tehy ry
- Suomen Fysioterapeutit ry
- Suomen Toimintaterapeutit ry
- Suomen Työterveyshoitajaliitto ry
If you are joining one of the trade unions mentioned above, you can apply for membership of the fund with the same form as the membership of the union.
Contact information for the unions can be found here.
You membership application will be first processed in the union and you first get a notification of the unions membership. After this your application will be processed in the fund and you get a notification of the fund membership separately.
If you ar not empoyed on the day your application arrives, membership of the fund will start on the first paid working day you have after the day your application arrived at the fund. You will be send a letter advising you to inform the fund the next time you go to work. A notification of the funds membership will be send to you, after you have notified the fund of your first working day.