The Unemployment Fund of Social and Healthcare Workers (Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa) is a unemployment fund for employees. You must be working as a salaried employee to join the fund and receive benefits from the fund.

In unemployment security system, all work not performed under an employment or service relationship is considered entrepreneurship. You can be an entrepreneur either part-time or full-time. The decision on whether you are classified as a full-time or part-time entrepreneur is made by the employment authority. It is important to report all your entrepreneurial activities to the employment authority. 

If you do part-time business when you are in paid employment, your business activities do not prevent membership of the fund and the receipt of benefits. Dispite the part-time business, your unemployment insurance will be based only on your salary income. Nevertheless, income from your part-time business will be taken into account as a daily income-reducing, adjustable income if the business continues during unemployment. Read more about adjusted unemployment allowance.

If you work as an employee covered by TyEL insurance in a company owned by your family or spouse, where you do not own shares or hold a managerial position yourself, you are not considered an entrepreneur and can be a member of the Unemployment Fund of Social and Healthcare Workers.