If you are a member of both a trade union and the unemployment fund and you want to resign both, send a notification to your own union and inform them that you want to resign both the union and the fund. If you send to your union a notification where you mention only resigning the union, the membership of the fund will be maintained until we have ascertained from you whether you intention was to resign the fund as well.
Contact information for the unions can be found here.
If your are a member of the unemployment fund only, you can resign from the membership of the fund by sending the fund a message for example via WebKassa-service or by email.
Provide in the message the following information:
• your name and birthday
• the day on which you want your membership in the fund to end.
Membership fees must be paid up to the date of resignation
Please note that you must pay your membership fees until the date of your resignation.
You can resign the membership of the fund also retroactively. If you resign from the fund retrospectively, the membership fees you have already paid for the retrospective period will not be refunded to you.
If you have paid your unemployment funds membership fees for the whole year and leave the fund in the middle of the year, the fund will refund, at your request, the fees for the period after the date of your resignation. However, no refund will be made if the amount to be refunded does not exceed 10 €. If you ask the Fund for a refund, please include in your refund request, the account number to which you wish the money to be returned.
The importance of date of your resignation for unemployment benefit
The working conditions you have accumulated in the Unemployment Fund of Social and Healthcare Workers will be transferred with you to another unemployment fund if you join the other fund within one month of leaving the Unemployment Fund of Social and Healthcare Workers. If there is a longer break in your membership of an unemployment fund, you will lose the working condition you have accumulated. Find out more about changing your unemployment fund.