Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa (the unemployment fund of social and healthcare workers) co-operates with four different trade unions. Here you find contact information for both the fund and the unions in question.

In matters concerning membership, the fund only answers questions related to the membership of the fund.

All matters concerning the membership and membership fees of trade unions are handled in the offices of the unions.


Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa (fund)

WebKassa on-line-service

WebKassa is a safe and fast way to contact the fund in all situations.

We aim to respond to messages received via WebKassa within five working days.

Telephone service

Telephone number for the fund is + 358 9 5422 7300

Our telephone service is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9.00 - 15.00. 

Any additional exceptions to the telephone service hours will be announced in the fund’s latest updates.

Postal address

If you do not have access to electronic services, please post your letter to the fund to the following address

Terveydenhuoltoalan työttömyyskassa
PL 1001


The e-mail address of the fund is intended primary for official transactions.

For security reasons, you should never provide personal ID or send confidential information via unprotected email. 

Email address to the fund is [email protected]

You can send protected email to the fund via 
https://secure.tehy.fi/[email protected]