We need attachments to examine if you have fulfilled the work requirement and to calculate the amount of your daily allowance. We want to make sure you get exactly the daily allowance you are entitled to.
Although it takes a while to submit the attachments, we have made the application process itself as simple as possible. The experts at the fund will determine the factors affecting the amount of the daily allowance on the basis of your application, the information in the Incomes Register and the attachments you provide.
You can speed up the processing of your application by enclosing the required attachments to your application.
The absence of attachments to your application will significantly slow down the processing of your application. We send a request for the missing information primarily by a message send via WebKassa -service, from which you will receive an e-mail notification. Please make sure, that the fund has your currant e-mail address on My data / Contact data -page of WebKassa..
If you have became unemployd, read more detailed instructions on our website Attachments for an application.
If you have been laid off, read more detailed instruction on our website Attachments for an application when laid off.
You can send attachments to the fund via WebKassa -service either in connection with the application or via the "Send attachments" -link on the front page of WebKassa -service