Membership condition
To receive earnings-related unemployment allowance, you must have been a member of the unemployment fund for at least 12 months before becoming unemployed or laid off. The employment condition must also be met during the membership period.
You joined the Fund on 15 April 2024. Your membership condition will be met on 14 April 2025, and you can apply for an earnings-related unemployment allowance from 15 April 2025, if the other conditions are met.
If you have changed unemployment fund, the membership period of the previous fund will count if you have joined the new fund within one month of resigning from the previous fund.
If your membership condition is not met, you can apply for a basic unemployment allowance or labour market subsidy from Kela. When your membership and employment conditions are met, your daily allowance payer will change and you will become a daily allowance applicant with the Fund.
Employment condition
The employment condition is based on the wages paid. The employment condition is met when you have received sufficient pay over 12 calendar months.
- A calendar month counts if you have been paid at least €930 in wages during the month.
- If your monthly earnings are between €465 and €929.99, half a month of employment condition will accumulate for that month.
- Only income from paid employment on which statutory contributions and taxes have been paid is taken into account for the employment condition.
- Only wages paid in accordance with a collective agreement or the law are taken into account for the employment condition. The minimum monthly wage for full-time work under the Unemployment Security Act is €1,430.
- The employment condition must be met during the 28-month reference period preceding the unemployment or lay-off. The work does not have to be continuous and in one period, but can be accumulated from several different periods of work and different tasks.
- The reference period can be extended for reasons such as family leave or illness (up to 7 years).
The person has been working full-time for 11 months and has been paid more than €930 of salary in each month. Since then, the person has been working part-time and has been paid €600 in salary for two months. This person has accumulated 11 full months and two half months of working time, thus fulfilling the 12-month employment condition.
Accumulation of employment condition for the period before 2 September 2024
The employment condition will accumulate differently for work done before 2 September 2024.
- Until 1 September 2024, the employment condition accumulates for each calendar week during which at least 18 hours of work have been performed.
- The date of salary payment is irrelevant.
- Working weeks up to 1 September 2024 are converted into months so that four weeks add up to one month. Of the remaining weeks, three weeks constitute one month, and one or two weeks constitute half a month accumulating the right to earnings-related unemployment allowance.
Date of fulfilment of the employment condition
As a general rule, the employment condition is met at the end of the 12th calendar month counted towards the employment condition. In this case, the mandatory waiting period and the payment of earnings-related unemployment allowance can start from the beginning of the following calendar month. As an exception, if your employment ends and you register as an unemployed jobseeker in the middle of the 12th calendar month of the employment condition, the mandatory waiting period and the payment of earnings-related unemployment allowance can start in the middle of the 12th month.
Extending the 28-month reference period
Months counted towards the employment condition can be included in the employment condition for a period longer than 28 months (that is, 2 years and 4 months), if you have been absent from the labour market for a reason that is justified by labour market policy.
- full-time study
- parental leave
- primary carer of a child aged 3 years or younger
- army or civilian service
- sick leave or rehabilitation allowance.
Even if you are in the labour market, your period of consideration can be extended if you are in an employment support service or receiving partial sickness allowance.